Hear It From Our Clients



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







Hear it from our clients

Our client base ...

... cuts across all types of leadership positions:

 partners in law firms, legal directors, business unit directors, start-up entrepreneurs, public policy leaders etc

... in various sectors :

retail, luxury, technology, law firms, pharma. 

“As a partner at a French law firm, my profession demands high levels of dedication and time management.
My coaching sessions with Laurent have been a transformative journey.
Laurent has significantly helped me in addressing my challenge of feeling overwhelmed. Through his coaching, I've rediscovered a healthier work-life balance and regained a sense of lightness that was missing in my life, both professional and personal. The 'breathing spaces' Laurent introduced have not only enhanced my enjoyment of work but also improved my efficiency and fostered my professional growth.
Each session with Laurent is intense and impactful, providing clear, actionable insights. I highly recommend his coaching to anyone looking to elevate their professional and personal life. It's a game-changer.”

Partner at Squair

"Laurent helped me become a more engaged and thoughtful leader by enabling me to break down mental barriers that were holding me back.

He was inquisitive and patient, but also knew when to be direct and to challenge my thought processes.

Throughout the course of our sessions, he helped me develop mental frameworks and actionable resources to break down difficult situations at work and allow me to better tap into my potential in ways I wasn’t before.”"

VP Investment
Grosvenor Group

"Laurent, through his varied and extensive corporate experience, fully understands the problems and challenges of companies regardless of the sector, the size of the structure in which one evolves and the role that one plays in it.

I really appreciated his approach to coaching, pragmatic and lively, which questions you in the right place, helps formulate hypotheses... and sets things in motion very dynamically.

A great mix of direct and sensitive style."


BU Head
Leading global pharmaceutical company

“Thanks to his extensive experience, culture, commitment and above all who he is, Laurent helps me  (re)connect to who I am and who I want to be, professionally and beyond.
I am well advanced in this journey and he is definitely the corner stone of that progress. Thank you Laurent."


Partner at a US law firm

"I reached out to Laurent to help me with a pending management issue that was hindering my full performance. 

Laurent was able to pin point the deeper source of the issue, through meaningful in depth questioning and reflecting back. He then helped me elaborate useful tips to better navigate my issue.

With Laurent’s experience and background, I was quickly at ease to freely share with him my concerns and to seek his help.

Laurent not only helped me understand my problem but provided me with very useful and efficient insights to overcome the issues I had."

Legal director
French listed retail group

"I had the honor of collaborating with Laurent on various pivotal aspects of my career journey.

Leveraging his past professional and operational experiences, alongside his exceptional interpersonal skills, he was able to credibly challenge my vision and broaden my perspectives.

Laurent made me feel comfortable during our meetings, and created a welcoming atmosphere. This allowed him, through insightful questioning, to help me explore diverse options and the pathways to achieve them.

It played a critical role in my professional growth and decision-making."


Partner at Mews Partners

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